Friday, January 15, 2010

Elijah & Rahja's Best Silly Faces

Elijah Eskimo Einstein Ali is growing up.  He has discovered that he likes it outside and thinks he should be an Eskimo.  He has mastered the "sit" for his treats and is doing a pretty decent "watch me" (sans distractions mind you!).  Just today started in on "leave it" and progressed quite quickly for his first lesson.  And every time I walk into the room he is so dang happy to see me he bobs and jabs just like Ali.  So Elijah Eskimo Einstein Ali it is  (Oh and he says his favorite poet is ee cummings so sometimes he likes to be called just "ee").  And by the way, our little ee, who arrived 1 pound 13 ounces, weighed in at a full and whopping 10 pounds this morning.  He's pretty darn pleased wih himself don't you think?


Rahja Mahal Madame Currie Butterball has grown up so much I tease her and ask who she is and what she did with my tiny baby Rahja.  She too has mastered stairs, a mean "sit" and a decent "watch me" (unless the other dogs are around and who can blame her - they are way more fun to watch then me!).  Rahja got off easy today and missed her lesson as apparently distractions get me too!  She is brave, adventurous and really, really wants to play with the big dogs.  Until they come charging at her in the yard to engage her in a game of chase.  She gives a little shriek and runs away until at a "safe" distance she stops and starts sniffing around like, "oh, I meant to just run over here because there is something really interesting, not because I'm still afraid of a dog five times my size charging at me, play or not...really, it's just so interesting over here".  She has turned all round and puppy plush with soft, soft fur and a belly of puppy jelly.   She weighed in at 9 pounds 4 ounces this morning.  Elijah is all legs, Rahja is all roundness and full.

The kids got to go for a big adventure today, an outing to the pet store, their first!  They did very well on their leashes and meeting new people.  It was great socialization and I was so proud of them!

Finley Day Two

So these pictures were actually taken one week ago.  Day two, day after Finley's surgery to drain as much of the infection from his shoulder as possible.  Here Finley is one happy guy because I visited and let him have his cone off while I was there.  He looks strikingly handsome in Momma Heidi's blue T don't you think?

Finny was pretty tired and worn out.  In case he wasn't worn out enough before I got there he and I played a rousing game of "Keep Finley from trying to pull out his drain tube".  That was exhausting.  He finally fell asleep with his head in my hands.  Unfortunately since I was the only one there (with my hands under Finley's head remember) I could not get a picture of that.  Not having mastered taking pictures with my feet yet and all....  Here are Finley's sad eyes though when I had to get ready to go.  Yep, try walking out on that face.  It sucks.  If we didn't have new kids arriving that day I'd likely still be there now....

And then I really had to go and Finley had to put his broken e collar back on.  Yep, he managed break his e collar within 12 hours.  Momma Heidi had to duct tape this one up so it was even more, um, unique.  We got him a new one.  He beat his own record breaking the new one in less than 8.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Princess aka Addie update

I can't say enough how much we love to get updates on our "kids".  It makes our day, bring sunshine when there is gray, it reminds us why we do what we do, it makes it easier to give up the next kid (although the giving up is never "easy").  I had a great experience this month with my foster puppy who we simply called The Princess, as that is what she is!  The Princess was just a few weeks old when she arrived at my house with her mom and siblings.  As I cared for her and watched her grow she just reminded me so much of another pipsqueak that I helped Momma Taschio raise, her baby Irene.  I couldn't get Irene out of my mind and I emailed her new family to say hi and sent them pictures of The Princess telling them that I just couldn't stop thinking about Irene so wanted to send a note.  Was I surprised to get a very excited email back very quickly.  They had been thinking about getting a sibling for Irene, now Lilia.  They were waiting for the right pup to come along and they thought the Princess was it.  I also couldn't have been more thrilled.  They are a great family and I know they adore Lilia and take great care of her.  A meeting was arranged and as soon as she was old enough The Princess became Addie and joined her new family.

I've had a few updates and Addie is doing great and Lilia has been a really great big sister.  The two are adorable together.

Here is the Princess when she first arrived.

Growing up...

Here she is now, Addie in her new home, so beautiful!

With big sister Lila, I LOVE this picture of the two of them trotting off together.  I feel so much better knowing my princess girl has Irene to watch over her  (besides her parents of course!)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Finley Finnegan Begin Again needs your thoughts, prayers and positive vibes.  Finley has not been feeling the best since he arrived here but we were unable to figure out exactly what was wrong.

Yesterday his shoulder ballooned to three times its normal size and x-rays revealed he had been shot and a pellet resides in his shoulder.  Massive infection had set in.  Dr. Melissa went to work quickly, sedated him and drained as much of the infection as possible.  A tube drain was inserted and Finley was started on strong antibiotics.  We are hoping for a speedy and thorough recovery for our sweet big guy.