Friday, July 30, 2010
Hope Reigns Supreme!
Hailey Sue is doing great!!! I apologize in the delay in updating you. It's been a busy few days.
Hailey had surgery as scheduled Tuesday am. The surgeon said the procedure went better than he could have even hoped for. She rested through the night and late morning on Wednesday had an echocardiogram to ensure the piece implanted to seal off the extra blood vessel was in place and holding steady. The echo looked great and Hailey was on her way home!
Foster momma Sue reported that Hailey was very happy to see a familiar face and probably happier when she got walked right out the doors of the hospital. It was a joyful reunion with her sister Makayla.
Hailey has about a one inch incision on the inside of one of her back legs. The procedure was done going up through the vein and into the heart. Poor little Hailey can't seem to leave her stitches alone so soon had to done her "cone of shame" - the E collar. Blue is such a pretty color on her though, don't you think?
Reports are that Hailey is playing with Makayla and has settled right back in like nothing ever happened. A few days ago Hailey faced a death sentence with months left to live at best. Today she faces a long and promising future full of happiness and love. It is almost impossible to believe.
I don't know how much Hailey knew about the danger she faced. I know she got tired easier than her sister and I'm sure she knew that too. She slept more. She got wiped out. But I don't know how much she really comprehended. I can assure you though, that Hailey does know she's happy to be here. She embraces each day, is excited about so many things, and makes the most of every minute she has.
Hope carried the day. Because we had hope, because you had hope, Hailey has a future.
I cannot thank you enough.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hailey Update!
Great News!!! Just got word from the surgeon that Hailey's surgery went even better than they expected!! They said she is resting comfortably right now. She has to spend the night and have an echo mid morning tomorrow to make sure all is well. If so she will come home tomorrow afternoon. Will post updates as we get them.
Hailey's Big Day
Today is it. The Big Day. This morning foster momma Sue and I brought Ms. Hailey to the U of M for the surgery to fix her heart. I think Hailey remembered the U of M, perhaps not so fondly. She was a bit nervous and as you can see, apprehensive. We sent her off with hugs and kisses. Now is the hard part. We sit and wait. I'll update the blog as soon as we have any news!
Hailey's Hope Part II
Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible.
Today is a slightly less sunshine-y day than the last time I sent you but it is no less a beautiful day to me. We have achieved that for which we hoped… Today is the day I get to tell you that we have raised the money for Hailey’s surgery. That you all have found it in your hearts and already strapped pocketbooks to give hope to a little girl most of you have never met.
I still have no answers to the randomness of life. But I am once again reminded how great human kind can be and how much goodness can be found in a world that can sometimes seem cold. People never cease to humble and amaze me.
If Hailey were a person I think they’d make a book or movie out of her life. Hailey Sue started her life facing great adversity as a puppy mill dog. She was born into a hopeless situation with bleak prospects for her future. Much like little orphan Annie, Hailey never lost her spirit or enthusiasm for life though. Just when things looked up and she was “saved” – her bad heart threatened her new found happiness. Once again Hailey faced an uncertain future. Now, thanks to all of you Hailey Sue will undergo surgery tomorrow to fix her heart.
Hailey remains in good spirits, eager to live each day to the fullest. Tomorrow is Hailey Sue’s biggest and most important adventure yet.
We had hope in the kindness and generosity of friends, family and even strangers and our hope was rewarded. Tomorrow we put our faith in the good doctors and staff at the U of M Small Animal Hospital. We ask that you join us in sending prayers, well wishes and healing energy to Hailey tomorrow and during her recovery. I will keep you posted on her progress!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and trust me when I say, Hailey would thank you too!
Take care and best to you and yours,
Lynne and the Safe Hands Team
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hailey's Hope
Hope. There is so much contained in this tiny four letter word. There is also so much contained within the tiny four pound package that is Hailey Sue.
Lately, I have been thinking about how random life can be, where chance fits into the universe, why things happen as they do. Sadly, I have found no answers...sorry folks.
But Hailey Sue’s life found its way into Safe Hands by chance. I know there are so many dogs like Hailey Sue living in squalid conditions with little chance, little hope. It seems so random that Hailey was somehow selected to receive the gift of her freedom.
Hailey Sue is one of the many victims of bad backyard breeders, mini puppy mills, that exist all over the South. Jobs are scarce, money more so, but somehow people manage to scrape together a few hundred dollars to buy small purebred dogs, the smaller the better. Therefore, folks set up shop to accommodate and eek out a living. The dogs are not so lucky. Their existence barely qualifies as living.
How and why “her” breeder in Harlan happened to be discovered and investigated allowing her that chance to have a better life is a mystery. But happen it did. Originally held as “evidence”, the county court then signed her over to the custody of Safe Hands and six weeks ago she joined our ever growing family.
When she was rescued her physical condition was deplorable. Skinny and bedraggled, she had two sets of teeth, a full set of baby teeth and her adult teeth too. Her coat was matted, toenails overgrown and she was not eating well. She was about 8 months old and had never had any toys to play with. She had lived in a plastic crate her entire life. Nearly full grown but bred to be small - she was not even four pounds.
But perhaps even sadder to me was her unhealthy obsession with feet. What I mean is that she got so excited any time feet approached. She did not have any connection with faces or people...just feet. Living in a plastic crate, she would have seen feet coming to bring food or water - feet meant good things. Living in a plastic crate, she would not have been able to look up into anyone’s face. Faces did not mean anything at all.
Fortunately she was young and somehow still very open to happiness, joy and wonder. She has flourished in foster care and while remnants of the past remain, she “grows” more every day. Hailey learned to attach to foster mom, follows her everywhere and developed confidence. She lives life with enthusiasm and has true joy in her spirit. Each day is an amazing adventure and life is good now.
But here is where the hope comes in. Hope is defined as a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hailey has a serious heart condition called patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) that threatens her new found life. In short, this means there is a extra blood vessel that is attached to the heart in utero that should go away when the puppy is born. Hailey’s did not. Most pups born with this condition do not live to turn one without surgical correction.
Hailey’s heart needs help. The PDA is causing problems and if we are not able to provide the surgery Hailey’s newfound life will be a short one. The veterinarians say she only has months left. The good news is the surgery has a very high success rate (only one complication at the U of M to date) and Hailey has had all the tests and work ups to be deemed an excellent surgical candidate. The U of M is even donating the piece that is the “plug” to be implanted to fix her condition. Still the surgery is costly. The estimate is $3200 for the procedure.
Hope is also the feeling that something desired may happen, when the outlook may or may not warrant it. We have hope that we can raise the money for Hailey to have her surgery which can be done on Tuesday, July 13th provided we have the funds. We have hope that you will help give Hailey the chance she was provided to have a full and happy life with many, many more feet…or just maybe even faces!
If you can contribute we have started a chip in (http://safehandshailey.chipin. com/haileys-heart-surgery) and are also able to take donations via mail at:
Safe Hands Rescue
PO Box 19623
Minneapolis, MN 55419-0623
Friday, July 2, 2010
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