Monday, February 22, 2010

Macy's Medical Marvels

Macy is a marvel in more ways than one.  I wanted to update everyone on her medical status.

The vets in Kentucky realized that Macy had partial or complete vision loss in her left eye.  When she arrived just over one week ago she did not seem to see anything on that side.  Last Wednesday Macy saw veterinary ophthalmologist Dr. Olivera.  If anyone ever has a pet with any vision issues, this is the person to see.  Dr. Olivera was so kind and gentle with sweet, scared Macy.  He literally had her eating out of his hand in no time!  I suppose it didn't hurt either that he offered good news.  It seems that Macy likely suffered a concussion when she was hit by the car.  Not that a concussion is good, but it means there is a good chance that Macy will regain normal function of the eye.  The great news is that she can already see out of it again!

Currently Macy's left eye is dilating instead of constricting when light is shined in it.  However, in the weird and wacky ways of the brain, if light is shined in her right eye, both pupils constrict as normal.  Hopefully with time the wiring in her brain and nerves on the left side will repair and the left eye will always constrict as it should.  Even if it doesn't, the worst thing is she'll squint in bright light.  Maybe we can get someone to make her a cool pair of doggie shades!

Macy had a big trip to Keller Lake to have radiographs retaken of her pelvic injury.  This time Macy decided to sit on the car seat beside me instead of in her bed.  What a big girl! 

She did so great at the clinic and even though she was scared she let me get her situated for the x-ray without having to be sedated and let Dr. Melissa and Angie hold her in place.  These rads clearly show all of the pellets or bbs in her hindquarters and legs, there are at least 21 of them!  If you look just under her tail at the back of the bone there you can see the break.  We are waiting for word from the orthopedic surgeon about whether she will require surgery.

Let's all hope that Macy can heal without a painful surgery and plating of the bone.  She's been through a lot and I am really hoping that she can continue her forward progress without more difficult times to get through.  I'll post as soon as we know more!

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